Parents need to know that Dragon Age: Inquisition is a fantasy role-playing game with intense, bloody combat involving swords, axes, arrows, and magic. It includes sexual scenarios with upper-body nudity, but acts are implied rather than shown. Strong language ('f--k,' 's--t,' and more) occasionally pops up in spoken dialogue. The mature but traditional fantasy narrative includes long discussions about the nature of religious faith and touches on issues of racial and sexual tolerance. Main characters are courageous, friendly, and supportive but can grow agitated when the hero disagrees with them. Women and men are seen as equals throughout the story.
Oct 24, 2014 - The ESRB has published their description of Dragon Age: Inquisition. You may want to pour yourself some red wine and light a candle before. Nov 18, 2014 - Metacritic Game Reviews, Dragon Age: Inquisition for PC, Select and lead a. Cheats: On GameFAQs; Rating: M; More Details and Credits ยป.