Rainbow Wedding Network

San Francisco, California January 10, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Asheville, North Carolina—As gay marriage takes the main stage in many areas of the country, two of the most established, national GLBT-focused Internet companies announce their new alliance targeting the same-sex wedding market. OutinAmerica.com and RainbowWeddingNetwork.com will join forces through comprehensive online marketing strategies, as well as print advertising and event promotion. Download acrobat reader windows 7. Minecraft win 10 free download. RainbowWeddingNetwork.com, launched in 2000 as the first online same-sex wedding registry, has expanded over the years to include a series of nationally produced same-sex wedding and family expos and a nationally distributed wedding magazine geared towards same-sex couples. RainbowWeddingNetwork.com signs on an average of 30-40 new couples each month and their web site brings in about 27,000 hits per day. Out in America will be featured as a sponsor of the 2007 Same Love, Same Rights® Wedding and Family Expos and will appear regularly in the quarterly issues of Rainbow Wedding Network Magazine. RainbowWeddingNetwork.com will be featured as the premier wedding and family resource on 176 of Out in America’s individual city web sites.

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Rainbow Wedding Network Reviews

The Knot is your wedding planning website, along with our #1 ranked Wedding Planner app. Get all the wedding help you need: a registry, website, ideas & vendors. RainbowWeddingNetwork is the proud producer of hundreds of boutique-style Gay & Lesbian Wedding Expos throughout the nation! Join us in a city near you, to find the unique & trendy resources you need to plan Your Own Timeless Ceremony.

Rainbow Weddings

The total membership of Out in America's sites reached 700,000 in 2005. The goal is to provide GLBT-friendly wedding resources ever more readily to couples from all walks of life and in every state in the country. It is also the mission of both organizations to promote awareness and education about GLBT issues in general and particularly about the dynamic current events concerning marriage equality. 'The new partnership with Rainbow Wedding Network is a great addition to Out In America,” says Out in America’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing Alana Haberman. “As we continue to reach out globally to the LGBT community, Rainbow Wedding Network adds a new dimension to our online feature content. The monthly articles from their magazine will provide our members with great information and resources in planning commitment ceremonies, civil unions and marriages.'