The Walking Dead Temporada 8

  1. The Walking Dead Temporada 8 Torrent

'The Walking Dead': Temporada 8. En esta temporada, Rick considera que no es tan mala idea estar bajo la influencia de Negan. THE WALKING DEAD - BEFORE THEY WERE ON THE WALKING DEAD - Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Lauren Cohan, Steven Yeun - Entertainment TV Television Show Horror Zombies 3:06 zombie horror train I think the real joke and she dead THE WALKİNG DEAD Jokes Version lives. Oct 31, 2010  Watch video  In the Season 9 midseason finale, 'The Walking Dead' introduced its deadliest villains yet, the Whisperers. We take a look at what makes these new villains so terrifying. Season 9 Returns Sunday, February 10. S9.E9 Episode #9.9. Most Recent Episode. Sunday, November 25, 2018. S9.E8 Evolution.

The Walking Dead Temporada 8 Torrent

Por obamathecommie AMC sold out this show after the second season. They got all new writers and, boy, do they stink.

Don’t get me wrong. The show was great. For two seasons.

With the original writers. The last season, AMC was so hard up to introduce “Negan,” that they rushed all the other storylines. Rick and Michonne hooking up out of NOWHERE. That is a storyline that should’ve developed slowly. Instead AMC was like, “Here’s Negan!

Oh, and Rick loves Michonne.” AMC insults all the intelligent, loyal fans almost every episode now. And let’s be honest, it’s time to kill off Maggy. She makes every scene she’s in come to a screeching HALT.

Say farewell to Carl. I watched tonight’s Walking Dead with a mixture of dismay, disdain and disbelief. The show has fallen on such hard times it’s still kind of hard to believe. By the end of the episode’s “shocking” reveal, I could only shake my head in disgust. What a joke this show has become.

I’m not going to recap this midseason finale. I don’t have the energy to summarize.

I don’t care enough anymore about the nonsensical plot and the bad writing to go that extra mile. The Walking Dead doesn’t deserve careful recaps or deep analysis anymore. Its producers and writers are either lazy or hacks or some horrible combination of the two. Whatever the case, this episode was embarrassing to watch.

I can only imagine how embarrassing it must be to have written, produced, directed or acted in it. Rather than recap the entire trainwreck of an episode, we’ll just focus on one scene. Maggie and the Hilltop army are driving in the middle of the night to the Sanctuary to join up with Rick and everybody else and demand the Saviors’ surrender.

I’m not sure why they’re driving at night. Who knows why anyone does anything on this silly show anymore? In any case, somehow Negan and his entire army have escaped the Sanctuary.

We don’t get details, really, on how this all went down, but Negan apparently still has a vast army and the ability to coordinate a rapid, multi-pronged response to Rick’s people. And plenty of guns and bullets, too. So Maggie and her crew are driving down the road when, lo and behold, the Negan’s have anticipated their arrival perfectly, blocking the road with a fallen tree. Maggie has about eight or nine vehicles filled with soldiers, but that tree proves fatal. The Saviors show up and stop Maggie’s people without a fight. For some reason, none of Maggie’s people jump out of their car with their guns to shoot at Simon and his troops. They just give over their guns and give up with a whimper, not a bang.

And just as inexplicably, Simon lets them all go back to the Hilltop without a scratch. Well, to be fair, he kills a guy. Good ol’ Neil who we just met tonight. Man, that sucks that they killed Neil.

We really cared about that guy. So anyways, Simon lets everyone else go. Why does he let them go? Why not take Maggie prisoner? Why not take them all prisoner?


Why not just shoot these people who tried to kill you? I don’t know. You don’t know. Nobody knows. The writers and producers of this awful television show don’t know. AMC doesn’t know, they’re just laughing all the way to the bank. So anyways, I guess all out war is suddenly not working.

There’s not really an explanation of why things went the way they did or how Negan was able to bounce back within mere hours. I thought he needed bullets? Wasn’t Eugene going to make bullets? I don’t know. Seriously, nobody knows. And that kind of sums up the entire episode.